Youth co-create Digital Culture
N°1 settembre - ottobre 2021 pag.44-48
La didattica digitale vuole offrire un modello alternativo agendo, sin dalla scuola secondaria, per sviluppare una visione del patrimonio culturale e artistico come sistema di nuove professioni correlate e tecnologie digitali quali importanti supporti alla didattica tradizionale.
Parliamo di merda. Sul serio
Let’s talk about crap. Seriously.
I grew up thinking that a toilet was my right when in fact it’s a privilege.
2,5 billion people worldwide have not adequate toilet, fifty communicable diseases live in human shit.
Diarrhea it’s the second biggest killer of children worldwide, and you’ve probably been asked to care about things like AIDS or TBS or measles ( or Covid), but diarrhea kills more children than all those three things put together.
It’s a very potent weapon of mass destruction and the cost to the world is immense, 260 billion dollars go lost every year on the losses to poor sanitation, it’s the cause of 1.800.000 people’s death every year, 1 every 20 seconds. The WC it’s wonderful waste disposal device.
We don’t have a neutral word for it: Poop is not particularly adequate, Shit offends people, Feces is too medical.
Poop can cook your dinner, it’s got nutrients in it, we ingest nutrients and we excrete nutrients as well.
In Rwanda, they are now getting 75% of their cooking fuel in their prison system from the contents of prisoners’ bowels, because if you put poop in a sealed environment, in a tank, pretty much like a stomach then, it gives off gas, with which you can cook.
They’re saving a million dollars a year, they’re cutting down on deforestation and they’ve found a fuel supply that is inexhaustible, infinite and free at the point of production.
All we really need to do is to look at this issue as the urgent, shameful issue that it is and don’t think that it’s just in the poor world that things are wrong. Our sewers are crumbling , things are going wrong here too. The solution to all of these is pretty easy. I ask you one thing, and that’s to go out protest, speak about the unspeakable and talk shit. Thanks
Il 19 novembre è World Toilet Day, cos’è e perché l’accesso ai servizi igienici è fondamentale
Concorso Crowddreamig – I giovani co-creano cultura digitale- Piazza Europa Monumento digitale
Un ringraziamento speciale per la l'invenzione e la realizzazione delle pubbliche latrine, (i bagni pubblici di oggi) si deve alla Grecia classica. continua...
Il Team formato da studenti della 4A e 5A Architettura e Ambiente stanno sviluppando un Progetto ERASMUS+ Piazza Europa - Crowddreaming: i giovani co-creano cultura digitale”, che prevede un esposizione della Didattica Digitale il 7-8 Ottobre 2020 a Berlino in occasione della All Digital Summit e sara partecipe alla All Digital Week - Marzo/Aprile del 2021, per concludersi con l' esposizione del Monumento Digitale presso il Parlamento Europeo di Bruxelles.